Dairy Comp 305 Herd Page Help

The following list of commands is for assistance with herds that utilize DairyComp 305 Management Software. Much of the information you need can come off the monthly Monitor report if it is run monthly and is configured to report the appropriate numbers. Please refer to the instructions to configure the Monitor Report if would like to utilize this approach.

Animal Inventory

Lactating Cows:

    Type: Econ\ID, **click on Reports Tab
    -You'll find lactating cow and dry cow numbers within the other categories in the report

Dry Cows:

    See above.


    Type: Sum for Lact = 0

Culling Statistics

Cows Sold:

    Type: Events\5si for lact > 0 (You will identify Date Range of interest), on Following menu, check Sold, Died, RPs, DAs, and Fresh
    **For animals sold, do not include animals sold for dairy. Report involuntary culls only.

Cows Died:

    See above
    **Skip down to DAs, RPs, and Animals Fresh and fill in these values while at the above report. After that is complete, return to 'Sold and Died < 60 DIM '

Sold and Died < 60 DIM:

    Type: Events\5si for Lact > 0 DIM > 60, Check Sold and Died on the following Menu.
    **Do not include any animals sold for dairy.

Youngstock Culls and Deaths:

    Type: Events\5si for Lact = 0, check sold and died on the following menu.
    Dtermine age when sold or died and ignore heifers sold for dairy or replacement purposes.

Dead on Arrivals:

    Type: Events\3
    Find month of interest and use Total Dead % which includes both bulls and heifers.


    Type: Sum AGEFR for Lact = 1 FDAT = 1.1.19 - 1.31.19
    **This would be for all heifers that calved in the month of January 2019, be sure to enter appropriate month of interest.

Herd Statistics

For Herd Statistics make sure information is taken off Monitor Report or run as of the end of the month; you may need to reset the date in DairyComp to the date of interest. For January Data, each category would be as of January 31st.

Pregnancy Rate:

    Type: Bredsum\e
    Use most current and complete pregnancy rate, don't use average for the year.

Herd DIM:

    Type: Sum DIM for RC < 6