Using TMR Tracker to Retrieve Dairy profit Monitor Feed Data

It is important to check that every day for the month was recorded by TMR trackers. A Pen Delivery report should good you confirmation if every day was recorded.
  1. Click on Reports Icon

  2. Click on Report Ingredient Usage by Pen

  3. At the bottom of screen, select dates

      a. Enter the last day of the month
      b. For days back use 1 less day than in the month (ie for September use 29 days, for October use 30 days)

  4. click on Properties button at bottom of screen

    • a. Select ONLY milking pens

      b. Make sure ALL INGREDIENTS are selected (click on select all)

  5. Preview Report

  6. You will need to total each ingredient on the report and enter the total tons into the Dairy Profit Monitor

